Restoration of urban flood management infrastructure

The objective of this component is :
i. to strengthen and reinforce existing weak and vulnerable flood control infrastructure. Investments will primarily include rehabilitation/renovation of storm water pumping stations in Srinagar municipal area, and replacement of the power equipment, switch/ panel boards at elevated places, and related investments for improvement and increased resilience; and
ii. Assessing urban flood management interventions in other Project Areas


Component-3 :Restoration of Urban Flood management infrastructure (USD 50 Mn:INR 300 Crores


SnoName of the WorkEstimated Cost in Crore (INR)
1Construction of 49 storm water pumping staitons including replacement of equipment103
2Body fabriication of vehicles0.46
3Procurement of mobile waste water testing equipment for montoring the quality of water in pumping stations0.58
4Procurement of 12 number trolley mounted high capacity pumps.2.75
5Pocurement of spare parts for high capacity pumps.1.5
6Accessories for high capacity pumps0.337
7Procurement of 8 number of towing vehicles (Chases Only)0.85
8Installation of SCADA system for 80 number of storm water pumping stations.35.0
9Drainage Scheme Nowgam - Padshah I Bagh (ERA)28.7
10Drainage Schem Nadroo, Hyderpora (ERA)12.8
11Storm water Drainage Scheme, Missing Links Zone II (ERA)37.391
12Storm water Drainage Scheme, Missing Links Zone I (ERA)54.7
13Procurement of Low Capacity Pumps (30 Numbers)0.66