Response to Bidders Queries for Tender No Revised/Roads/Kashmir/03 – II

1ExperienceWhile we appreciate and thank the organisation for considering the application/suggestion for de-linking the package in lots, it is to bring a grave concern to your notice for kind consideration please. As per previous requirements under qualification criteria, i.e “ Construction – Upgrading of roads preferably flexible pavements and bridges” which gave th opportunity to bidders on one hand to participate by way of lots and at the same time it has been further squeezed by way of keeping the criteria “ Rigid Pavement Only”. This condition is absolutely restrictive in nature because no such type of wok has ever been advertised or executed by any department in J&K  resulting no bidder in J&K despite of fact having large no. of work qualification and financial competencies be able to participate in bidding process.No Change, the bid provision shall prevail.
2ExperienceIt is thus requested to restore the qualification criteria to its original, i.e,” Construction – Upgrading of roads preferably flexible pavements and bridges” to enable/ allow healthy competition in the works advertised otherwise this shall be restrictive/ limited tendering by way of allowing only agencies from outside J&K to participate.No Change, the bid provision shall prevail.
3Financial DetailsWe would also like to state that the bidder is subjected to furnish the financial details of last  7 years starting from FY 2013-2014 to FY 2019-20120 is yet to be finalized because the said year ends in March 2020 which needs to be clarified to  the bidders before the bidding process.The Bidder has been asked to furnish the Audited Balance Sheets of the Last Five Years as per the Clause 2.3.1(c) of the Qualification Criteria . The Financial details of the FY 2019-2020 have not been asked.

However for Specific Experience, as required  under Clause 2.4.2(a)

the single work completed between from  FY 2013-14 to FY 2019-20 shall be considered.